
2 post's in one day?! 3 posts in 1 week? I must be heavily inspired....or its just way too hot outside so blogging and watching health and fitness videos are getting me inspired...
Anyways! Inspired!
Well folks its #NationalFrenchFryDay. We all love them but before we decide to take part in this day of potato elation lets get some perspective.
Small Fries (71 g) = 222 calories
Medium Fries (117 g) = 365 calories
Large (154 g) = 480 calories
Before you indulge lets think about what it takes to burn those starchy sticks of goodness.
Katherine Stevenson (@kat_stev) of idealshape.com found these results for you.
<Read the full article here Burn More Calories With 7 Simple Moves>
At 140 lbs:
200 calories squats for 15 minutes
100 calories from doing 90 burpees
100 calories from Step Jacks/Jumping Jacks 10 minutes
80 calories from walking lunges for just 10 minutes
So plan before your celebrate. Know your limits and honor this holiday by #EatingResponsibly
This has been a #FitforThought type of moment..or is it #FitforFood...