Feeling The Happiness Flow In
Its #FridayFeeling #FlashbackFriday So I thought I'd repost the video of Kim and show you how much she's changed since our first visit. ...

Text Neck - Why doing nothing is causing something over time.
This perfect picture got forwarded to our office today. I did some searching and it came from a website by @HemaliBMeh. I think there's...

Making A Case For Non-Surgical Adult Scoliosis Treatment
I found a study from the end of last year out of The European Spine Journal. (Eur Spine J. 2016 Oct;25(10):3120-3129. Epub 2016 Mar...

Scoliosis is not just a diagnosis for girls or just for adolescents. Scoliosis can go undiagnosed or it can develop over time from poor...

Not Just Physical Therapy - Open Your Eyes
"When you'll need someone, I will be by your side." Spotify played this #FlashbackFriday song for me today and it got me thinking in...